My Home is Too Humid. What Can I Do?

water condensation on a windowSummertime in Louisiana can be very humid. Our climate is subtropical, which means that the weather all year long is more humid than in other parts of the country. And during the summer months, the higher temperatures contribute to very damp, muggy conditions. While most home air conditioning systems can help eliminate some of the excess moisture in the air, many homeowners still find that their homes are much more humid than they’d like.

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Unfortunately, excessive dampness can lead to some concerns around the house. Overly humid homes are more likely to experience conditions like mold and mildew growth, wood rot, and moisture stains on ceilings and walls. What can you do if your home tends to be too humid? Fortunately, there is equipment available to help keep humidity levels down so that you and your family can enjoy better home comfort.

What problems can arise if my home is too damp?

  • Mold and Mildew Growth: Warm, damp conditions are the perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and some bacteria. Not only is this not ideal for your health, but it also can make your home smelly and ruin textiles like carpeting and fabric-covered furnishings.
  • Wood Rot: Many of today’s homes are built to be airtight. While that helps with the efficiency of your cooling and heating systems, it also means that humid air can be trapped in your home. Over time, the excessive moisture can start to cause the wood in your building and furnishings to rot. If left unchecked, wood rot can affect the structural integrity of your home – and fixing that problem can be very costly.
  • Moisture Stains: Excessive moisture can lead to staining on walls and ceilings. Often, these stains are accompanied by mold and mildew growth. Not only will you need to repaint these areas, but you may need mold remediation beforehand to ensure that the mold does not continue to grow.
  • Damage to Belongings: Dampness can affect belongings. It can cause your furnishings and wood fixtures to warp and can ruin paper documents and books. As we mentioned above, if mold is also an issue, it can mean that carpeting and other textiles will need to be removed and replaced as well. Additionally, excessive humidity can cause problems with your electronics, such as computers and televisions, because of condensation on screens and internal components.
  • Respiratory Concerns: People with conditions like asthma, allergies, and emphysema may find it more difficult to breathe properly when humidity levels are too high. Allergies to mold and mildew can add another layer of concern in homes that have excessive dampness.

Dehumidifiers can help remove moisture from your home.

The good news is, that humidity levels can be regulated with the aid of dehumidification equipment. If your home is routinely too damp, you may want to consider a whole-house dehumidification system. Dehumidifiers work by pulling the moisture out of the air in your home. The extracted water is piped out of your home via a drainage system, so you can enjoy more comfortable indoor air. You won’t have the worry about mold growth, and your home’s cooling system will be able to perform more efficiently.

Additionally, you might want to consider improving your home’s ventilation system. This is especially true if your home tends to hold in odors. A ventilation system will help to introduce fresh air into your home while removing cooking and pet odors, smoke, and other pollutants.

Burkhardt can help you get the dehumidification you need for your home.

There is no need to suffer in an overly humid and smelly home. Burkhardt Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical & Generators can help you get the equipment you need to remove excess moisture from the air and keep the air in your home from becoming stale and stagnant. To learn more about our whole house dehumidifiers and ventilation systems, Call us today at 985.626.7741 for friendly, professional assistance with your dehumidification needs.