Do I Need to Maintain My Home Generator?

home in lightning storm

Life in Louisiana means warm, sunny days for a good part of the year. Unfortunately, it also means that we also experience some severe storms. Hurricanes, thunderstorms, and high winds can lead to power outages that sometimes last for days. Many homeowners in our region opt for a home generator, to help keep their homes…

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Staying Safe During a Hurricane

street and truck during hurricane

In August of this year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) projected an above-normal level of Atlantic hurricane activity during this hurricane season. We have already seen some stormy weather, with four named storms so far this year. At Burkhardt, we care about our customers’ comfort, and we also care about your safety. This…

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Show Your Generator Some Love with Generator Maintenance

lightning strike over a city, in need of a powerful supply

Living in Louisiana, we know how important generators can be during storms and hurricanes. It’s good to know as a homeowner that you have a source of backup power in the event of an extended power outage. But like any other type of equipment, your generator needs maintenance in order to ensure that it will…

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Why Are Whole House Generators a Good Idea?

Many of you remember the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Nearly a decade later, we’re still feeling the tragic effects that it brought to us here in the New Orleans, LA area. Nobody wants to relive a massively destructive storm like that ever again, but the truth is, we live in an area where the weather…

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Heading into Hurricane Season – Is Your Home Prepared?

Technician cleaning a system to optimize indoor air quality

In our area, we unfortunately know all too well the devastating effects that hurricanes can leave in their wake. Often, severe storms and hurricanes cause power outages that can last for hours, and sometimes days. We know that being without power is more than a mere inconvenience – it can pose health and safety risks…

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